THE BEST Healthy Food Prep!! Protein Granola, Healthy Carbs, Snacks & MORE! |
THE BEST Healthy Food Prep!! Protein Granola, Healthy Carbs, Snacks & MORE!
what's up guys welcome back to my channel today we're gonna be doing a healthy food prep session with this as my stuff we're gonna be cooking prepping creating and mixing I'm all about the prep laughs now that I'm a mom hashtag milf life I like to be prepared because with a baby and with training there's always stuff going on and when I'm hungry I'm hungry so if I have healthy stuff in the fridge I'm more inclined to open my fridge make something at home and not order goober eats or go for something not so healthy so yesterday I sat down and I made a list of things that I like to prep let me tell you this book was like full to the brim
so I have knotted it down to a few staple things that I like to do for lunch so I'm going to be showing you some protein sources some carbohydrates some little snack ideas and just how I like to set out my fridge so I'm really really excited not only to give you guys the tips but also to stop my fridge full of fun things now that I'm a mom like I said and I'm just a female in general I feel like which is good multitaskers like if I took her to prep this it would take him two days but we're all about efficiency here so start with the thing that's gonna take you the longest and then things happen at the same time and yeah we're all about productivity here so starting with tofu if you eat a plant-based diet this is a really good source of protein for you
I just use like a normal classic tofu I do like to get the organic one you can use tempeh if you want I'm not gonna lie this is the wrong kind of tofu because I went to the shops and they didn't have the one I laugh but you know we're adaptable we work with what we've got so this is silken tofu but I like the firm squishy foamy tofu I'm going to pre-cut this into little centimeter cube dices I suppose let's let's see if I can do this oh yeah oh look at that silky also invest in good knives this was like the best birthday present I ever got and it's also got my name on it boom hashtag gums I've just got a little glass container here I'm gonna chuck these in the glass container without ruining all my beautiful cubes so I just got some coconut aminos here well okay with my cooking I don't measure anything right now I am measuring stuff because I'm creating a cooking project to create a cooking project
I need to tell you measurements so I'm finding it really hard to not just like do that so just for you guys I will measure it so let's start off with a tablespoon of coconut aminos alternatively if you don't have this you can use tamari or soy sauce then we are going to do a tablespoon of honey here's a little hack I just put a little bit of oil on the spoon we lick and dip here it's fine it's my house it's my stuff if you come to my house just assume that I've probably looked at your meal okay so I put a little bit of oil on and then the honey just glides off again if your plant base you can use a guide next up coconut nectar but you can use rice malt syrup if you want it just I mean the honey phase right now
I've just got this raw organic honey oh look at that and then we're just gonna mix that up without again ruining my beautiful tofu cubes this is gonna be so good it's like sweet and gooey and all and when you fry it up properly it like caramelizes paste so looks so good step one done put that aside and we'll come back to that at the end next up is everyone's favorite thing hashtag carbohydrates I have shared this before but honestly this is like one of my best tips it is to pre prep and precook your sweet potatoes and pumpkin that is my favorite source of carbohydrate I also love buckwheat pasta and paleo toast but that stuff it takes like literally five minutes but this stuff when you're hungry you don't want to prep it you don't want to have to cut it up and wait 40 minutes in the oven by then you've already ordered ubereats you've ordered your pokeball and it's too late you've just wasted 15 dollars so I like to prep this every single week and if I make too much that I think I'm not going to get through it at lunchtime
I freeze it it is the best hack or the best tip that I've been doing for the past couple of months and it helps so much so I'm just gonna get rid of this seeds first actually another fun tip have a little rubbish bowl if you get stuff that you don't need like once you get rubbish you just pop so I'm gonna do three sweet potatoes and half a butternut pumpkin this is my favorite I'm pretty sure in America you guys call it squash and I just every time I do different chunks like sometimes it's big chunks sometimes it's little centimeter cubes I kind of like in between and then because I'm impatient I do it in like towers I find the fast way to everything like this level it up and just prove one swift movement I just drop some on the floor pretend that didn't happen I like o call myself like a rustic cook like
I actually don't like perfect little cubes of everything and when like everything is symmetrical whatever like I'm on the time limit okay I'm breastfeeding and my boobs are gonna explode of milk so I need to be quick and efficient so this is good enough you know and sometimes I use baking paper but today I think I'm going to roast it in olive oil so I won't need the baking paper this is my favorite way to prep chick and I'm like super picky with meal preps I'm more like food prep I get everything ready separately in the fridge so my favorite way to do it is to poach it and then shred it I just love shredded chicken just with salt and pepper it's so easy like I said I'm all about making your life easy it doesn't have to be bougie with like crazy ingredients is literally chickens water salt and pepper and a fall cottage because I'm so lazy I pre boil the water and then I put it in the pot my mum puts like room-temperature water in here and then waits for it to boil but like
I hate nobody got time for that like that's no I don't have time then add a little bit of salt to the water I love everything salty so like you can never add too much salt in my house and then I leave that in there to be honest for like 10 minutes I will confirm on the screen here but just boil it and I just keep checking it until it's like moist and white in the middle and then we'll shred it so we'll leave that and we'll go on to one of my favorite parts of the food prep sauces and condiments I'm also all about minimizing my washing up because I hate washing up I love cooking and I hate washing up so it's like not the best combo so I'm all about creating things in one pot or one jar or one bowl because then like you don't have to wash up so I'm gonna be making two condiments two sources because when you make an Irish Bowl the last thing you want is a salad with lemon on top like I don't know about you but like I find that so boring like if you like it that's totally fine but when I watch people is what I eat in a day and they just make like a chicken salad with lemon on top that's just not living to me okay like I want to have the ranch dressing I want to have to pull a peri-peri I want to have the cool stuff but make it healthy so today I'll be making a tahini ranch it's creamy and delicious I'm obsessed with it and then I'll also be making a beautiful pink beetroot hummus both incredible so first of all get a jar because we're gonna be making the tahini in the container it will set in and you can just chuck this in the fridge and use it I literally make this once a week I really should know the quantities but you'll like I just like to wing it it's just much more fun for me majority of it is tahini so so this is just an organic hulled tahini there's unhold or hold so we've got like I would say that's a quarter of the jar full of tahini
I love mustard so much you can you see that mustard you can use hot mustard any kind of mustard you like wet chill here okay like all of my recipes are very flexible it's not like baking where you have to do it to a tee it's chill so we'll do two heaped teaspoons and then you guys you need to get this contraption if you don't have this in your life like what are you doing it's a lemon squeezer it's the best thing I've ever gotten look at this accuracy oh yeah and then you guys hate when I say this because like again no quantities but a dash of almond milk or any milk of your choosing book like that and then I do a fair bit of salt one two three four five six and I'll probably be adding six more so we'll mix that up and it's all about the taste test like everyone's different make sure that you taste it and it's to your liking into your taste preferences because some people like lemony some people like it really SME CD PS turned down the water cool so that sort of seminar
I'm gonna add some more almond milk because it's a bit too thick for me and when I put it in my nourish bowls I want it to kind of be more like drizzly like that that is so so easy that's the first source done where's my lead maybe brain is legit a thing Oh got it and then we'll chuck that in the frist this one is a beetroot hummus you can definitely do normal hummus but I love beetroot hummus because I feel like it's a bit sweeter and also it's pink just makes me so happy so ideally you want to do it in like if you have one of those stick blenders like a food processor so much easier I do have a Vitamix but I find it it's a little bit too hard to do in there so if you've got a nutribullet or a food processor that's the best
so the first ingredient you need is a can of chickpeas put the whole can oh oh no I'm losing a few and then depending how be treaty you want it there's a whole beet roots that are already peeled cooked and ready to eat they're organic they're super natural it's literally just Patriot if you can get these so much easier because I hate cooking beets gonna add two small beet roots like that two of those I'm gonna add the other half of the lemon then I did add a little dash of milk to it you can do milk like almond milk or coconut milk oat milk whatever you want it's mostly just for the consistency so it does mix smoothly see I mean yeah look at this color Oh baby look at that well the most important aspect of every meal prep and every cooking experience is taste testing again like
I said I always do it with my fingers so if you come to my house for dinner expect that I have licked your plate needs more lemon but I don't have any so I'm gonna get a lime who doesn't love dip and it's like nice and social ooh it's good get our little jar and that's literally it's so so easy and if you want to be extra bougie you like put some paprika on the top I like it just a little bit and then scatter some black sesame seeds look how cute that looks yeah that's perfect another thing I like to do when I poached my chicken is I just get a bowl and I also put some paper towel down because no matter how much you try to like shake the water off it still is a little bit moist so I put a paper towel down in a bowl and I'm gonna pop the chicken onto there and then you can either let that rest because it has to cool down like look at this steam it's really realistic so leave it for a bit and then when you get impatient like me pop it in the fridge and it just speeds up the whole cooling down process another fun thing I like to do is make a super seed sprinkle says you super seed sprinkle
I also love alliteration yeah I mean you can do it kind of like a fritter nut mix but more so this is a super seed mix that you can sprinkle on top of nourish balls like something savory or sweet like a fruit salad with yogurt coconut yogurt things like that and this is just a really nice simple way to make sure you're getting a nice hit of omega-3s every single day so I'm putting things like chia seeds in these are amazing for digestion but they're really high in omega-3s linseeds one of my favorite sources of omega-3 and really really good for my skin I also love these are hemp seeds in here you guys will see in a second so everything in this super seed sprinkle is really purposeful and just have like a little handful like a little finger full add a super-good so we're gonna start off with pumpkin seeds then I'm gonna put in some slivered almonds some hemp seeds for loving Earth chia seeds my favorite and then lastly a sprinkle of flaxseed and then the easiest way to mix this around is with a chopstick before I use it every time
I just give it a little bit of a shake you just grab it with your hand and then you've got a little nice mix of omega-3s nice fatty acids and crunch because the key to a good nourish Bowl is having all aspects covered you need to have crunch so this on top is super crunchy and really yummy okay so this next recipe has gotten so much attention on my Instagram I've been making and even just in my life okay so Kurt has a friend that he goes to the gym with a bunch of runs whatever I feel like my friends as well I gave them a test of this protein granola recipe that I made up for my cooking project and now that everyone's had a taste of it they don't leave me alone they just want to eat the whole thing so I make a batch and no joke it's gone by the end of the day and I was going to save it for my cooking project release but I just can't I need to show you guys it now because it's so yummy
I often find it hard to get enough protein in in the day because I crave things like bananas and avocado and nuts and well you know not to have a little bit of protein in it isn't really your main source of protein so this is a fun way that you can eat granola eat something sweet and crunchy that get a nice head of protein in as well so this is probably my favorite recipe of the whole video so get a mixing bowl while a lot of my diet is paleo base sometimes I have rice that's really the only grain I have lately since breastfeeding I have been incorporating some uncontaminated oats into my diet if you don't eat oats you can definitely swap out the oats for some quinoa flakes in this recipe but I just find out is just like next-level one of the best parts about this is because you've already got your sweet potato and the pumpkin in the oven your ovens preheated and this is going to go in at the same heat so 180 degrees Celsius
so I'm gonna get a tablespoon of coconut oil I'm just gonna pop this in the microwave for like 30 seconds and let it melt before you get started it's always good to be prepared so get a little baking tray out and then just line it with some baking paper first thing you need is your oats or your quinoa flakes we're gonna add one cup then I'm doing a full cup of coconut chips and then I'm gonna do a third cup of bikinis I usually add like 2 tablespoons of chia seeds but I'm just gonna wing it you can add any nuts and seeds that you want I love dry roasted almonds right now to my favorite so I probably got I'm gonna do like half a cup whoopsie half a cup of drivers oh my gosh Abby no Johnny them and I just get my trusty good knife and I just roughly chop it and I basically do it until they're like a quarter cut roughly and then any kind of dried fruit that you want I'm going to be adding currants and dates I feel like that's really grandma real I can a nourishment I just think it works the bestI just I love currants currants reminds me of my mum's like choc chip cookies like old school cookies so I love that so I've probably got I'm gonna say like 1/3 to 1/2 a cup of currants which I'm gonna chuck in and then I'm gonna do a little handful of dates that I'm going to roughly chop as well okay the threelast dry ingredients is going to be salt
I love salty sweet it's my favorite kind of dessert or like sweet treat so I'm going to add like a fair bit of salt and then cinnamon again I like a lot of cinnamon and then a protein powder of your choosing this is my favorite protein powder it's by Tripucka I've been using it for years this is the lean vanilla protein I preferred this recipe with vanilla but if you want to do like a chocolate protein you totally could and I'd like extra cacao or like some chocolate bikinis just mix it up and just add whatever fruit and nut mix that suits the protein you're adding so I'm gonna add equivalent to maybe like two and a half servings of the protein and that's probably one of the biggest tips to this granola recipe is make sure you add all of your dry ingredients first and get the protein powder covering all of like the oats and the nuts and the fruit and the coconut and then you're going to add your wet ingredients to our little coconut oil bowl I'm going to add 1/3 of a cup of rice malt syrup to the actual bowl again because that's oily it just helps
it all come out put your finger in the coconut oil paste it on the 1/3 cup and again it just helps drizzle the rice not syrup out okay so as you can see this is like too dry it's what I mean every time it's a little bit different I'm going to add one and a half more tablespoons of coconut oil to this because this is like way too dry it looks pretty good to me that's kind of the consistency you want it's like clumping together not too gooey and not too dry just in the middle like Goldilocks said just time for a taste test mmm so good salty sweet cinnamon vanilla I love it I love it then we're just gonna put it on hopefully it fits on one tray now yeah I reckon I can get this on one we just stopped for a battery change gave me just enough time to snack if you don't want to eat the whole batch of something you're making don't make this because it literally tastes so good you just won't want to share it but the best thing is the way we've timed is now that I'm putting that in I'm gonna be taking the roast potato out and then in terms of the granola keep an eye on it it usually takes like eight minutes but because it's already like heated up doesn't have any preheating to go just keep an eye on it and you don't want to burn it because that's not fun for anyone and again because we're being productive we're on a time limit I'm all about being efficient if you leave this in the tin it just takes so long to cool down
I like to put it out either onto a board or onto a plate just to cool down and we'll just set this to the back for it to cool down Oh get a new obnoxiously heavy chopping board and we're going to do the chicken so by now it's nice and cool I didn't even have to put it in the fridge and then if you had a better way of doing this please tell me because like this is the most time-consuming element of the whole video but it's shredding the chicken I usually just do two forks I stab it with one and then I just like grind it with the other and I just make it shreddy the part you've all been waiting for in this vlog is the fox cameo that's okay yeah baby you always got a bum bum hi Bubba you are so lucky you're gonna be a little chubby bubby because I'm gonna feed you I've got a feed you like I've never fed anyone cooking with sezion Fox don't don't don't don't and this as well at least I'm filming now but normally Kurt is in my grill in my space eating my stuff no I'm allowed to snack and usually
I will put some salt and pepper on this and chuck it in the antenna but it's kind of nice to have it like a blank canvas so then you can add whatever spices in salt and pepper that you want later and then this is just good to add to like you can put it on sandwiches you can put it in salads you can put it in rice paper rolls or like this with the UM the tahini sauce that would taste amazing put this in the fridge now we can't forget about our little neglected tofu so now this is all marinated and it sucked up all the yummy juices all you're going to do is fry it up in like a nonstick fry pan on a medium heat until it's like a beautiful golden crispy brown so your meats so sweet delicious and then like I said we will get through this in like two days we have a lot of sweet potato and a lot of pumpkin but if I've done like double this amount I will just put it in those little reusable Ziploc bags and put it n the freezer then all you have to do is reheat either in me not for you either in the microwave or the oven and that is prepped and ready to go but for now I'll just put it in the fridge yes the best part of the whole prep it smells so good like so good and then just let it rest and once it's room temperature
I just break it up and put it into a jar but you don't hate it just want to guess how good does this all and look how much we got done that took us like two hours and we have so much prep for the week so I've got my hummus I've got my sauce my two sources of protein the tofu with the chicken my favorite roasted sweet potato and our pumpkin the best granola you've ever had and our super seed mix but I really hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a thumbs up and give it a like because it really supports my channel and I also would love to make more of these videos and like be more specific like some breakfast hacks some snacking hacks and dinner and things like that so if you do like that leave it in the comment below and I'll be sure to make that video for you and make sure you subscribe because they upload new videos every three days and if you want to see more of Fox then you got to come back so bright you dudes gonna dribble okay pray for me that I at least get some of this granola before cut eats it all
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